Sustainable Development

Our organisational agenda is to ensure that no one is left behind.


The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly in the areas of sanitation and waste management, substantial efforts are being contributed in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Out of the 17 collection of interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, the Group directly contributes to 14 of them.

These are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (8) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (9) Reducing Inequality, (10) Climate Action, (11) Life Below Water, (12) Life On Land, (13) Partnerships for the Goals.
sdgs jospong group Jospong Group

Why Choose Us

"Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance."

_ Ban Ki-moon

The Jospong group employs over 300,000 workers with befitting salary ranges.

with a vibrant crop and animal production JSA farms, a good effort being put to make food available to all at a good cost.

Cosmopolitan Health Insurance seeks to make health care easily accessible and affordable for all.

At Jospong we believe in the abilities of everyone. We have a balanced geneder population from management level down to staff.

We supports several academic courses and researches. It has also established the African Institute of Sanitation and Waste Management among others.

Improving sanitation is our major business. With majority of our operations and companies targeting this area.

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

Over 60 subsidiaries with operations across 16 sectors of the economy. We provide decent jobs and contribute immensely to the economy.

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

The Jospong Group of companies with its operations across several sectors and predominantly

Jospong Group’s core business is to identify gaps, churn out innovative businesses and build capacities to provide value and nurture them to become market leaders; fit to play on both the local and international markets.

Our Sub Groups

Our firm is capable of providing a broad range of services, which are categorized under the following service lines: